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Merrill and Janet Meyer own a small, 40 acre horse farm in eastern North Dakota. They purchased their first miniature horses in 2005 and fell in love with them. Their daughter, Danna, loves animals; she says her dogs and cats are her brothers and sisters. Merrill and Janet feel miniature horses are much safer for Danna, and the horses love her. Danna enjoys lying on the ground while watching and visiting the horses, and she is easily able to catch them in the open pasture, as they stand for her.
The Meyers have shown their horses throughout the midwest, and often attend ASPC/ASPR Congress, and AMHR Nationals. While they primarily compete in halter and driving, they have a love for the "COOL" and costume classes offered by these registries; you have probably seen them dressed up as pirates, fruit, or even as Yahtzee game pieces. For them, miniature horses are the best way to have fun.
Interested in learning more about minis and shetlands? Ask us!
We can mentor in showing (halter, jumping, hunter, driving, liberty, obstacle, showmanship, and costume classes) for exhibitioning in ASPC/AMHR shows! We make deals for 4H exhibitors, youths and seniors, we have lease options available, and can board!